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Heavyball: “The Perils of Midweek Drinking” and “Another Country”

In December, The Daily Music Break posted the first video from the band Wartoad. Subsequently, Quite Great Communications, its PR representatives, sent information about Heavyball, another of its clients.

Heavyball is fun, as any band must be that releases a song entitled “The Perils of Midweek Drinking” (above). The main lyrics, sung with increasing urgency and subtle loss of control and helplessness: “Oh my god that beer tastes good…I want another…and another.” That’s repeated with cigarettes and finally whiskey.

Heavyball was formed in Nottingham, England, by brothers Habs and Bigface Salisbury. Those, hopefully, are not their given first names. Tom “Stone Cold” Frost is the lead guitarist and Johnny Iball is on bass.

Check out Heavyball, which formed in 2011 and now is based in London. Its current record is “When Can You Start?” a nice name for an album. Below is “Another Country,” which is really tremendous. The video is great too. It sounds a bit like Squeeze to me. Or it may just be a more general Brit pop sound. Here is the band’s website.

This is the band’s latest:


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